- Developed Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) and Risk-Informed/Safety-Based (RIS_B) Programs at ANO Units 1 and 2, Browns Ferry Units 1, 2 and 3, St. Lucie Units 1 and 2, Turkey Point Units 3 and 4, Callaway, Columbia, Calvert Cliffs, Pilgrim, Brunswick, Salem, Point Beach, Prairie Island, Kewaunee, Duane Arnold, V.C. Summer, Laguna Verde, Krško, Perry, Seabrook, Fermi, Fitzpatrick, Diablo Canyon, Comanche Peak, South Texas Project, Monticello, Vermont Yankee, Watts Bar and Wolf Creek
- Actively involved in the development and application of risk-based criteria, including the following:
- Co-authored Code Case N-560 and supporting white paper
- Performed complete pilot study evaluation at ANO Unit 1
- Involved in pilot study for 6 plants, including Vermont Yankee and Braidwood
- Co-authored EPRI Topical Report No. TR-112657
- Co-authored risk-informed ISI Code Cases N-577 and N-578
- Co-authored risk-informed Repair/Replacement Classification Code Case N-660
- Provided training at workshops
- Performed RI-ISI and RIS_B Living Program Evaluations and Updates at Browns Ferry Units 1, 2 & 3, Callaway, Comanche Peak, Diablo Canyon, Wolf Creek, St. Lucie, Turkey Point, Duane Arnold, Point Beach, Seabrook, Columbia, Calvert Cliffs, Fermi, South Texas Project, Krško, Koeberg and V.C. Summer
- Performed RI-ISI conversions at St. Lucie 1 & 2, Turkey Point 3 & 4, Watts Bar, Fermi, Columbia, Point Beach 1 & 2 and Callaway, including conversions to Code Case N-716-1
- Developed RI-ISI Programs using both the EPRI and Westinghouse methodologies
- Involved in the development and application of risk-based criteria beyond the original scope, including Modular High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors and Probabilistic Methods in Design
- One member (former Chairman for 14 years) of the ASME Section XI Working Group on Risk-Informed Activities, which has responsibility for the generation and upkeep of risk-informed ISI activities and code cases.
- Developed pilot applications which contributed to the basis for Living Program Guidance document NEI 04-05 and co-authored this Guideline which establishes criteria for performing periodic and expedited updates on RI-ISI Programs
- Performed an independent evaluation of a proposed RI-ISI program to estimate the potential cost savings and benefits, to determine the specific applicability of the technique to the plant, and to provide a comparison to other available techniques